King, König

SE* Point Lookout Shawnee-Tahoe

Date of Birth 28-8-2024

RAG b 04 (Chocolate Point Mitted)


DNA testet with Wisdom Panel. 

Bloodgroup A, PG neg. 

FIV/Felv neg

Ultrasound, with one year

We have decided to add Tahoe because of his color Chocolate in the first place. He has a lovely character and comes from a line with big Ragdolls. We hope he will increase the size of our Rags a bit more. He lives with Ineke and our other youngster King Filip together in the Netherlands. We look forward to see what he will add to our Program.

Fell in Love with Filip

Date of Birth 10-8-2024

RAG e 04 Creme Point Mitted (choc carrier)


DNA Tested with Wisdom Panel

Bloodgroup B

FIV/Felv neg

Ultrasound, with one year

Filip has joined our Cattery in February 2025. He is very social and cuddly. He will not be our main Stud, but it would be excited to have a tortie litter after him every now and then. And of course Tahoe would need some company. They really seem to like each other.