All our retired adults are replaced and live elsewhere. Unless otherwise stated. It's not always easy to replace animals, but if you want to stay small as a cattery, you have no choice. Fewer cats means less stress, and less stress means fewer illnesses. Hormonal cats behave differently to cats that have been sterilised. We believe it is best to do it our way. We also choose not to breed for very long with each animal. Some will only have one litter, some may have two and very few will have three. For us three is the absolute maximum. The good thing about this is that the cats are still very young and have a whole life ahead of them after they are retired and replaced. If you are interested in one of our retired cats, please email us as we usually retire one a year.
Alle unsere pensionierten Katzen sind kastriert und leben woanders. Wenn nicht anders angegeben. Es ist nicht immer leicht, sich von einem Tier zu verabschieden, aber wenn man als Cattery klein bleiben will, hat man keine andere Wahl. Weniger Katzen bedeuten weniger Stress und weniger Stress bedeutet weniger Krankheiten. Hormonell kastrierte Katzen verhalten sich anders als nicht kastrierte Katzen. Wir glauben, dass es am besten ist, es auf unsere Weise zu machen. Wir entscheiden uns auch, nicht mit jedem Tier lange zu züchten. Manche haben nur einen Wurf, andere zwei und nur ganz wenige drei. Für uns sind drei das absolute Maximum. Das Gute daran ist, dass die Katzen noch sehr jung sind und noch ein ganzes Leben vor sich haben, wenn sie in Rente gehen und ersetzt werden. Wenn Sie an einer unserer aktiven Katzen interessiert sind, schicken Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail, da wir normalerweise eine Katze pro Jahr kastrieren und vermitteln.
Date of Birth 5-7-2023
RAG n 04 21 (Seal Point Mitted Lynx)
DNA testet with Wisdom Panel.
Bloodgroup A
FIV/Felv neg
Ultrasound, Mai 2024 negative for HCM and PKD
We have decided to add Gary to our program because of his lynx and mitted pattern. He lives with Ineke in The Netherlands as well. He loves being a lap-cat. Extreme demand for cuddles. We hope his fine blue eyes and Ragdoll behavior will pass on to his future offspring.
In February 2025 we have decided on neutering Gary. Unfortunate we were not able to keep offspring after him. His line will continue though with Coco, who lives with another breeder in Switzerland. Gary himself is replaced with a lovely family in Zürich where he can have his happily ever after.
Date of Birth 19-5-2022
RAG n 03 (Seal Point Bicolor (high mitted))
Bloodgroup A
FIV/Felv neg
Ultrasound, negative for HCM and PKD (2023 & 2024)
Boaz is a real Gentleman. He is very sweet and well behaving. We love his strong chin and ear-set besides his great Character. He is such a sweet loverboy. Not once he harmed one off our girls. Always curious who is there and keeping his distance when he noticed that the other cat needs more time.
Boaz is far away from a life in cages. He goes on fishing trips together with Cees, our family friend. He seems to really like being a travel companion.
Boaz will be neutered in February 2025 and replaced together with Gary. They will be reunited again and grow old together.
DNA Testet with Wisdom Panel
HCM & PKD ultrasound neg. (2024)
FIV/Felv Negativ
Date of Birth 10-5-2023
Blue Point Bicolor (high mitted)
Betsie Blue lives in Switzerland with Carin.
Betsie really likes to have all the attention for herself and is still very playful. Betsie loves sleeping next to your head and is mostly to be find with (or on top of) our children. During the daytime she has her own agenda, but as soon as you're sitting down or preparing food in the kitchen, she will be there. Unfortunately Betsie did not suit our group of Cats, and didn't became pregnant from both our Kings. Also her behavior towards the kittens of our other Queens, have made us decide to not breed with her and spay her before she became a mother at all. We have found a very lovely home for Betsie, she will move on the 13th of October to Nathalie and her family. One week later, SwissDolls Cloé will join her. She is doing so much better since she is being spayed. I'm glad we've made this decision for her.
Date of Birth 15-3-2023
RAG n 03 (Seal Point Bicolor (high mitted))
DNA tested with Wisdom Panel
Ultrasound negative for HCM & PKD (2024)
FIV/Felv Negativ.
Mother of 1 Litter (6 Kittens) DOB 23-4-2024
Chamilla has an absolute lovely character. She follows you around the house and loves to talk. She is playfull, but very cuddly. Prefers sleeping on her back next to you. She loves treats and has special moves (imitating a squirrel) to get your attention when you forget about her treat.
She has a very long body, big feet and beautiful fluffy coat. Long tail and strong chin. I really like her profile and Character.
Chamilla gave us a beautiful litter of 6. Being a mother was very hard for her and together with our Vet we have decided to spay her after only one Litter. We will keep her daughter Princess Peaches so we can continue with her beautiful Line.
We have found a perfect forever home for Chamilla. She will move out after she is being spayed in August 2024.
Date of Birth 27-1-2022
RAG e (Creme Point)
DNA testet
Bloodgroup Ab
FIV/Felv neg
Ultrasound, negetive for HCM and PKD in 2023
Mother of 1 Litter (4 Kittens) DOB 14-4-2023
Pippi is the sweetest of Ragdolls you could wish for. This girl is so lovely to all the other animals. She loves going outside. We decides to spay her because her profil isn't the strongest and we want to improve, not only reproduce.
Pippi lives in Switzerland with Erica and her Family from mid September 2023. She will live togehter with our SwissDolls Alfa, son of Mirabel von Klettgau and My Epic Boaz.
Date of Birth 15-3-2022
RAG f 03 (Seal Tortie Point Bicolor)
DNA testet
Bloodgroup A
FIV/Felv neg
Ultrasound , negative for HCM and PKD (2023)
Mother of 1 Litter (5 Kittens) DOB 15-6-2023
Mirabel moved in with us when she was already 6 months.
She was very nervous about almost everything within the household, but as the months past by she is way more relaxed. She loves receiving cuddles and purrs very loud from the moment you touch her. Mirabel is a so called "talker". She makes a lot of funny sounds when you talk to her. Mirabel is very social to other cats. She doesn't like it when there is a lot of noise or strangers visiting.
Mirabel will live her forever life with her son SwissDolls Delta together with a lovely family in Switzerland. She moved mid September 2023.
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